Q: I was born in…
A: 1980, in philadelphia.
Q: My earliest art memory is…
A: difficult to pinpoint, to be honest. My mother is an artist and growing-up, there were always markers and pencils and paper around. Drawing was always the first activity offered.
Q: I first realized I wanted to be an artist when…
A: I was first asked, “What do you want to be when you grow-up?”
Q: My mentors are/were…
A: too numerous to list here. I have been fortunate to have had a lot of great people in my life, whether they influence me artistically or professionally or emotionally.
Q: I feel most inspired to create when…
A: there is positive momentum building in the studio.
Q: When I feel stuck creatively, I…
A: put those feelings aside and just get to work.
Q: My favorite artists to follow are…
A: those who have their own language and are fully in control of it. Who they are specifically shifts as my own needs shift. There are a couple of continually-guiding lights and they are mostly my friends.
Q: I can’t start my day without…
A: an espresso from my stovetop Bialetti. First things first.
Q: My most prized art possession is…
A: time in the studio.
Q: Finish this sentence: Art is…
A: anything you deem it to be. I do not mean this to be sphinxian, but that Art can be found anywhere. You just need to be sensitive to it. And that sensitivity is different for everyone. Thought of another way - Art is an extraordinary answer to an ordinary question.